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  • Writer's pictureIdan Dadon

noSolo, re-claim real-Life!

Updated: Sep 6, 2023

We are an activity finder that connects people together to have real experiences

right outside their door.

From playing volleyball on the beach to sharing a rosé brunch in the park,

noSolo allows people to discover nearby activities that take place within a 72-hour period..

A sense of belonging comes from experiences you share with people around you, it is often the small

majestic things that make you smile: from meeting a new person, seeing an artist perform in the old city, or finding another’s interpretation of something you love.

What is mutual to all these things, is that they all happen around you, by common people just like you, at the exact time you just happen to be there, making you feel, even just for that moment, at home.

noSolo makes what’s already happening around accessible for you, so you could engage with

people who are already share your interests.

Discover Activities

As soon as you open the app, noSolo lets you instantly discover new activities around you.

Swipe right to be IN or left to be OUT of each suggested activities.

Once you are IN, the creator of the activity is notified. You can chat and engage with all the people people, which like you, joined the activity.

Activity management

noSolo lets you create an activity and find friends or people nearby to make it happen!

Once you create an activity, picked a time frame and a location, you can invite your friends or anyone nearby to join in.

You can also create and manage your own community.

Supporting Data

When starting out, we were troubled with one main hypothesis: "Will Users be willing to share an activity with strangers?"

To address this early on, we created an online survey, interviewed potential users on the streets and ran apoll on social media.

Of those interviewed, we found out that 93% of the people are more than willing

to share activities with strangers, 72% would use our app to share activities and 53% really felt the

pain at some point in their life.

What makes noSolo Different?

Planned content vs spontaneous. Most platforms such as Facebook events and what’s app focus on

matching people and planned content. Unlike other alternatives, activities on noSolo take place within a 48 hour period. noSolo is not a social network, but an activity - focused platform that helps users do

things they love while building social communities.

Based on the assumption that 95% of the users are passive, so activities are already created for them

by the 5% that are active, calling them to action with a click of a button.

Business model

Our business model leverages the time and place factor to create value around the activities.

One of the ways to monetize is based on the knowledge that an empty seat is the most expensive

thing for business owners. nosolo can drive traffic to local businesses in between peak hours’ time

(100% of the business we approached were eager to participate in our beta and are willing to provide

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